Today we look at how to make pork strip stir-fry #daiichipremiumpork
Ingredients: cooking oil, sweet peppers & onions, Daiichi pork strips, seasoning - (garlic, black pepper, any other of your choice), optional: soy sauce & peanuts and finally cooked rice/pasta
1. In a pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add vegetables; cook and stir for 5 to 7 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove vegetables from pan
2. Toss the pork strips with seasoning in the pan. Add more oil if necessary. Cook and stir for 2 to 5 minutes or until pork is no longer pink.
3. Return vegetables. Gently toss to coat; heat through. If desired, season with soy sauce and sprinkle with peanuts.
4. Serve over rice/pasta

Get your Daiichi Pork Strips today!